This comedy show is hosted by Dan Vetrano. Dan and his friends explore the city’s lowest-rated businesses, restaurants, and activities on Yelp and TripAdvisor to answer the question: “Is it really as bad as everyone says?” The answer is probably “yes.” Discover Philly’s local low points through testimonials, multimedia presentations, investigative research, phone calls to places known for terrible customer service, live taste tests and misspelled reviews on the internet. We’ll do our best to remain patient.
Get Cheap Tickets Here (no fees!):
SATURDAY, April 18th at 8:30 PM
Good Good Comedy Theatre
215 N. 11th St. (11th & Race)
Presented by Good Good Comedy Theatre
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Earlier Event: April 11
Pop-up Stand-up Show (Livestream Performance)
Later Event: April 19
The Afternoon After Open Mic